So what I want to talk about today is the idea of choosing your hard and being loyal to yourself.

I see this a lot with the women that I work with. They come to me, we do some work together, we untangle some fears, some goals, some desires, they decide on a way to move forward or they discover something they want to achieve in their business and they are super excited about it. It feels aligned.

They have admitted some deep desires and we create a beautiful roadmap for how they are going to bring it to life.

And then it comes to actually take an action on that thing and usually it's around the time where they have to start talking about their ideas where they have to start promoting a new product where they have to start sharing with their community or audience new things that they are developing or thinking about and the resistance starts to set in.

Now there is always a reason for resistance and it's usually avoid risk or vulnerability and wanting to feel emotionally safe psychologically safe. Which is, of course amazing and important.

And that is the beautiful and intelligent thing about our brains. It is super concerned for our safety. That is always at the forefront and so it makes sense that when we are considering doing something new or when we are moving into new territory in our life or relationships or our work that our brain senses vulnerability in wants to keep us safe wants to try and protect us from the vulnerability and the risk of failure the risk of rejection the risk of the unknown.

But what our brain isn't really concerned with is fulfilment it isn't really concerned with trying something that we are feeling called or moved towards.

And so when my clients come to me and they talk to me about how they are resisting putting their work out there or asking people to buy from them to connect with them and they start to talk about doing other things or planning other things usually my challenge to them is to thank their brain for trying to keep them safe and then also to let them know that it's time for them to choose their hard.

It's time for you to choose your hard.

Because in any situation we where you're putting your most truest ideas out there into the big world for other people to see, to judge, to have opinions on - the two options that are facing you are both going to be hard options.

1. to shrink back and decide to not do the thing to not talk about the thing to shy away

2. to go ahead and talk about the thing to share about it to move ahead with your idea.

Both of those options are hard.

On one hand if we go ahead and move toward the hard part is the unknown if it's gonna work if people will buy it if it connects if it makes sense that level of ability is on his harsh

And on the other hand not moving towards the thing shrinking back staying (sometimes it's required when we really need to feel safe and we're not in an emotional place to address those risks) but sometimes sitting back shrinking hiding playing about behind the scenes and not ever putting our ideas out there is actually hard also because it means that we are not being faithful and loyal to the to the thing that has been bubbling up inside us.

Once out, the thing that needs air and breath around it, that route is hard as well, that route can also lead to real feelings of difficulty and resentment and betrayal to yourself.

And so if both of these options are difficult we get to choose - do we choose the option that's difficult and moves us away from our idea? Or do we choose the option to move towards the thing, knowing that it brings risk?

But this option is where you get to be really loyal to yourself or you get to be faithful to your ideas where you get to show up for yourself and follow through on the things that have been calling to you.

I wonder if you’re in spot right now where you need to move forward and it’s feeling hard. I want you to know that you get to choose which hard right now. The one that moves you away from your ideas, or the hard way that moves you into alignment with the stuff you are feeling called to move towards.


