A 5-day video series supporting you to accelerate your impact
sustain your sanity.



This year has been tough. #understatement

It’s likely that you feel overwhelmed, burnt out or maybe even ready to pack in the business or ideas that once brought you joy.

It feels too big, too hard, too lonely, or maybe your once buzzing creative brain hasn’t had space to figure out what needs to happen next to keep your business going without forfeiting your sanity.

It's not too much to ask to have a business that you care about, enjoy building, and doesn't burn you out.

If your business mojo has up and left, I am here to help you find it and warmly welcome it back in.

I want to spend a little bit of time (15 mins a day MAX) teaching you five solid strategies that will help bring clarity, ease and joy back into your biz! Are you in?

Join me for a 5-day video series teaching. You can do this at your own pace, but with the added beauty of other women working through it and I’ll be popping in to support you as well.


This video series is for you if you want:

✔️to reconnect back to your purpose, impact and why.

✔️more permission to run your business with ease, joy and fulfilment at the centre.

✔️motivation and courage to share about your work and market in a way that feels honest and authentic.

✔️clarity about what kind of next steps you need to take in your business to make it work for you.

✔️to stop comparing yourself to other people and worrying if you are good enough.

✔️bite-sized business teaching that is potent and powerful.

✔️to explore your business in a deeper way at your own pace (and come back to the teaching any time you want).


Let’s work through your business brain-fog together and help make sense of your path forward for only £25.


Here’s what other women are saying about the series…


Let’s get you inside this series for more clarity, more relief and more joy!